Dat had ik nog nooit gezien. De ambachtelijkheid doet me deugd. Video geschoten door Glen Milner, in opdracht van de Daily Telegraph. Het boek in kwestie is Suzanne St Albans’ “Mango and Mimosa” en het wordt gedrukt door Smith-Settle Printers in Leeds.
Ik weet zo goed als niets over de Dowager Duchess of St Albans, maar de openingsalinea uit deze necrologie doet vermoeden dat ze een interessant leven heeft geleid.
A British national of French descent, Suzanne St Albans served in Psychological Warfare during the Second World War. Assigned to “Basic News” rather than “Black Propaganda” – for she was incapable of deceit – she worked as a news writer in North Africa and Italy, before being posted in the autumn of 1945 to Austria. Her commanding officer in Vienna was Colonel Charles Beauclerk, the future duke, whom she married in March 1947 after he had obtained a divorce from his first wife.